Berita Prestasi Mahasiswa

Mahasiswa Prodi Teknik Pangan ITB Meraih Juara 2 Dalam Lomba Concept Pada Acara Parahyangan Chemical Engineering’s Event


Prodi Teknik Pangan ITB mengucapkan selamat kepada Aurellia Clara Tania (mahasiswi Teknik Pangan angkatan 2019), Tito Wijayanto (Teknik Kimia 2019), dan Rebecca Anastacia (Teknik Kimia 2019) atas prestasinya sebagai juara 2 dalam lomba Concept pada acara Parahyangan Chemical Engineering’s Event yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Parahyangan. Kelompok ini dibimbing oleh Dr. Made Tri Ari Penia Kresnowati, S.T., M.Sc. Selamat dan terus berkarya, semoga dapat menginspirasi semuanya agar terus mengejar prestasi.[:en]

Department of Food Engineering congratulates Aurellia Clara Tania (Food Engineering student class 2019), Tito Wijayanto (Chemical Engineering 2019), and Rebecca Anastacia (Chemical Engineering 2019) for their achievements as 2nd place in the Concept competition at the Parahyangan Chemical Engineering’s Event held by Parahyangan University. This group is guided by Dr. Made Tri Ari Penia Kresnowati, S.T., M.Sc. Congratulations and keep up the good work, hopefully it can inspire everyone to continue to pursue achievements.[:]

Berita Prestasi Mahasiswa

SEAFAST-Nestlé Food Product Development Competition 2021


Selamat untuk Stephanie Gabrielle, Maria Agnesi, dan Jesslyn sebagai juara 3 serta Geraldine Leticia, Umniyati Khairunnisa, dan Kamila Putri Ramadhanty yang meraih Best Innovation Idea pada kejuaraan “SEAFAST-Nestlé Food Product Development Competition 2021” 🏆🏆[:en]

Congratulations to Stephanie Gabrielle, Maria Agnesi, and Jesslyn as 3rd place winners as well as Geraldine Leticia, Umniyati Khairunnisa, and Kamila Putri Ramadhanty who won Best Innovation Idea at the “SEAFAST-Nestlé Food Product Development Competition 2021” championship 🏆🏆[:]

Prestasi Mahasiswa

2 Tim Mahasiswa PG Berhasil Menjadi Juara 1 dan Juara 3 di Kompetisi Food Product Development (FPDC) IPB 2020

[:id]2 tim mahasiswa PG berhasil menjadi juara 1 (Haga-Enrico-Anisa dibawah bimbingan Dr. Dian Shofinita) dan juara 3 (Wahyu-Lintang-Fathia dibawah bimbingan Dr. Dianika Lestari) di kompetisi Food Product Development (FPDC) IPB 2020

[:en]2 student teams won 1st place (Haga-Enrico-Anisa under the guidance of Dr. Dian Shofinita) and 3rd place (Wahyu-Lintang-Fathia under the guidance of Dr. Dianika Lestari) in the IPB 2020 Food Product Development Competition (FPDC)


Prestasi Mahasiswa

Mahasiswa Teknik Pangan FTI meraih “Best Innovation Idea” Prize of Beverage Category pada acara FPDC 2018


“Selamat atas prestasi yang membanggakan”
Evelyn Angelica (14315027), Natasha Emanuella (14315019) dan Abigail Marcia (14315008) mahasiswa dari Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Pangan FTI berhasil meraih gelar “Best Innovation Idea” Prize of Beverage Category pada acara Food Product Development Competition (FPDC) 2018, an ASEAN-level competition held on October 3rd-4th 2018 in JIExpo Jakarta, focusing on product development in food and beverage. Kegiatan FPDC ini diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan IPB.[:en]

“Congratulations on the proud achievement”Evelyn Angelica (14315027), Natasha Emanuella (14315019) and Abigail Marcia (14315008) students from the FTI Bachelor of Food Engineering Study Program won the “Best Innovation Idea” Prize of Beverage Category at the 2018 Food Product Development Competition (FPDC) and ASEAN – JIExpo Jakarta’s competition held on October 3rd-4th 2018, focusing on product development in food and beverage. This FPDC activity was organized by the Food Science and Technology Student Association of IPB.[:]

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