
Webinar #1 Food Engineering Festival 2020


[ The wait is over : Webinar #1 ]

Akhirnya, webinar pertama Food Engineering Festival 2020 akan segera tiba! 😆

Nantikan dan saksikan webinar

“Challenging The Status Quo with Friday Creamery”

dengan pembicara Cantika Putri dan Herlambang SN (Founder of Friday Creamery).

Webinar akan dilaksanakan pada:

🗓 Sabtu, 28 November 2020
🕓 Pukul 16.00-18.00 WIB
📍 Zoom

Jangan lewatkan webinar pertama ini dan segera registrasi di link :

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi Contact Person :

WA : 0895 4148 45719
Line : sandraaaw

WA : 0878 8796 7679
Line : maresaaa23

See you there! 👋

Sekilas Informasi tentang Friday Creamery:

Friday Creamery adalah es krim sehat pertama di Indonesia. Es krim yang rendah kalori, rendah gula, rendah lemak, dan berprotein baik, ini telah dibuktikan oleh organisasi standardisasi nasional di indonesia. Rasanya sama dengan es krim biasa ?! This is a guilt-free ice cream!
Webinar kali ini mengupas tuntas tentang cara Ka Herlambang & Ka Cantika menemukan ide usaha, perjalanan dan suka-duka mereka dalam mendirikan usaha, cara mengekspansi usaha serta sharing tips & trick dalam berwirausaha![:en]

[The wait is over: Webinar # 1]

Finally, the first webinar of the 2020 Food Engineering Festival is coming! 😆

Stay tuned and watch the webinar

“Challenging The Status Quo with Friday Creamery”

with the speakers Cantika Putri and Herlambang SN (Founder of Friday Creamery).

The webinar will be held on:

🗓 Saturday, November 28, 2020
🕓 16.00-18.00 WIB
📍 Zoom

Don’t miss this first webinar and register at the link:

For further information, please contact the Contact Person:

WA: 0895 4148 45719
Line: sandraaaw

WA: 0878 8796 7679
Line: maresaaa23

See you there! 👋

Brief Information about Friday Creamery:

Friday Creamery is the first healthy ice cream in Indonesia. Ice cream that is low in calories, low sugar, low fat, and good protein, this has been proven by the national standardization organization in Indonesia. The taste is the same as regular ice cream ?! This is a guilt-free ice cream!
This webinar thoroughly discusses how Ka Herlambang & Ka Cantika found their business ideas, travels and their joys and sorrows in establishing a business, how to expand their business and share tips & tricks in entrepreneurship!


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