Selamat Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Selamat untuk Stephanie Gabrielle, Maria Agnesi, dan Jesslyn sebagai juara 3 serta Geraldine Leticia, Umniyati Khairunnisa, dan Kamila Putri Ramadhanty yang meraih Best Innovation Idea pada kejuaraan “SEAFAST-Nestlé Food Product Development Competition 2021” 🏆🏆[:en]
Congratulations to Stephanie Gabrielle, Maria Agnesi, and Jesslyn as 3rd place winners as well as Geraldine Leticia, Umniyati Khairunnisa, and Kamila Putri Ramadhanty who won Best Innovation Idea at the “SEAFAST-Nestlé Food Product Development Competition 2021” championship 🏆🏆[:]
Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, and Department of Bioenergy and Chemurgy Engineering ITB proudly present an International Virtual Course with a theme of “Solid State Fermentation Technology for Supporting Circular Economy”. We invite guest lecturers with abundant experiences in solid state fermentation from all around the globe.
The course will be conducted from 27th July until 6th August 2021. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and professionals are welcomed to attend this course. Please check our website for more information.
Prodi Teknik Pangan ITB bekerja sama dengan PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo (LNK) menyelenggarakan kunjungan industri virtual pada hari Rabu, 3 Juni 2021. Acara ini diikuti oleh sekitar 130 mahasiswa dari prodi Teknik Pangan, Teknik Kimia, dan Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi beserta beberapa staf dosen.
Tujuan acara ini adalah memberikan gambaran pada mahasiswa mengenai industri pengolahan krimer nabati, dimulai dari bahan baku, produksi, packaging, utilitas pengolahan limbah, quality assurance, hingga produk yang dihasilkan. PT LNK juga memaparkan kiat-kiat branding produk untuk konsumen dan peluang kerja bagi lulusan sarjana proses pada industri ini.
Walaupun dilaksanakan secara daring, para mahasiswa peserta acara nampak antusias mengajukan berbagai pertanyaan. Terlebih penyelenggara acara mengadakan kuis dengan hadiah berbagai produk produksi PT LNK. Acara ini merupakan kunjungan industri virtual pertama karena kunjungan yang biasanya rutin dilaksanakan setiap tahun secara langsung ke industri harus terhenti akibat pandemi.
Dalam ucapan terima kasihnya, Dr. M.T.A Penia Kresnowati selaku ketua prodi Teknik Pangan ITB mengharapkan kerja sama prodi dan PT LNK ke depannya semakin banyak. Di bulan Juni ini, PT LNK akan menerima 2 mahasiswa Teknik Pangan yang menjalankan Kerja Praktik selama 3 bulan. Prodi Teknik Pangan ITB mengucapkan terima kasih kepada PT LNK yang telah menyelenggarakan kunjungan industri virtual ini dan berbagi banyak ilmu yang semoga dapat menginspirasi mahasiswa mengenai dunia kerja.[:en]
Department of Food Engineering ITB in collaboration with PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo (LNK) held a virtual industrial visit on Wednesday, June 3, 2021. This event was attended by around 130 students from Food Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Bioenergy Engineering and Kemurgi Departments along with several lecturer staff .
The purpose of this event is to provide students with an overview of the vegetable creamer processing industry, starting from raw materials, production, packaging, waste treatment utilities, quality assurance, to the resulting product. PT LNK also presented product branding tips for consumers and job opportunities for process graduates in this industry.
Even though it was conducted online, the students participating in the event seemed enthusiastic in asking various questions. Moreover, the event organizers held a quiz with prizes of various products produced by PT LNK. This event is the first virtual industry visit because visits which are usually routinely carried out every year directly to the industry have to be stopped due to the pandemic.
In his thanks, Dr. M.T.A Penia Kresnowati as the head of the ITB Food Engineering study program hopes that there will be more collaboration between the study program and PT LNK in the future. In this June, PT LNK will accept 2 Food Engineering students who carry out practical work for 3 months. Department of Food Engineering ITB would like to thank PT LNK for organizing this virtual industry visit and sharing a lot of knowledge that hopefully can inspire students about the world of work.