1. Design and Development of Chemical Engineering Processes
Division of Process Design and Development of Chemical Engineering studies the development of chemical engineering science and catalysts,separation and purification processes and computational processes.
Chairman : Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Wibisono Budhi, S.T., M.T., I.P.M.
Member :
1. Prof. Ir. Johnner Sitompul, M.Sc., Ph.D.
2. Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, M.Sc., Ph.D.
3. Prof. Dr.Ing. Ir. Danu Ariono
4. Dr.Ing. Dendy Adityawarman, S.T., M.Sc.
5. Elvi Restiawaty, S.T., PDEng., Ph.D.
6. Dr. Megawati Zunita, S.Si., M.Si.
7. Dr. Khoiruddin, S.T., M.T.
8. Dr. Anita Kusuma Wardani, S.T. , M.T.
9. Graecia Lugito, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
2. Design and Development Chemical Engineering Products
Field study: The study focuses on designing and developing innovative products based on local resources. In its activities, the group reviews our expertise in the application of the principles of science and engineering in the processing of a material using catalyst or biocatalyst to produce goods and services. In this case, the goods are related to fermented food, feed, beverage, medicine, microbial enzymes,bioethanol, asdam organic acids, polymers that can be degraded, and other chemicals. Within the scope of services, the study focuses mainly on the purification water, domesticwaste and waste management industry.
Chairman : Prof. Tjokorde Walmiki Samadhi, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
Member :
1. Prof. Ir. Tjandra Setiadi, M.Eng., Ph.D.
2. Ir. Akhmad Zainal Abidin, M.Sc., Ph.D.
3. Dr. Ir. I.D.G. Arsa Putrawan, M.T.
4. Dr. Ardiyan Harimawan, S.T., M.Eng.
5. Helen Julian, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
6. Winny Wulandari, S.T., Ph.D.
7. Dr.Eng Hafis Pratama Rendra Graha, S.T., M.T.
8. Vita Wonoputri, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
9. Guntur Adisurya Ismail, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
3. Energy and Processing System of Chemical Engineering
Expertise Group of the Energy and Chemical Engineering Processing System studies the development of energy engineering science and the development of bio-fuels as an alternative fuel motor vehicles.
Chairman : Prof. Tirto Prakoso, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.
Member :
1. Ir. Sanggono Adisasmito, Ph.D.
2. Dr. Ir. Retno Gumilang Dewi, M.Env.Eng.Sc.
3. Hary Devianto, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.
4. Dr.Eng. Pramujo Widiatmoko, S.T., M.T.
5. Pri Januar Gusnawan, S.T., M.T.
6. Dicka Ar Rahim, S.T.P., M.T.
7. Wibawa Hendra Saputera, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
4. Chemical Reaction and Catalyst Technology
The Chemical Reaction Technology and Catalysis Research Group has a field of study in the development of chemical reaction science and catalysts, development of production systems, and development of simulations to improve operations and improve plant performance.
Research, cooperation and development of expertise and science are in line with the roadmap for the Chemical Reaction and Catalysis Technology Expertise Group which is packaged in activity clusters arranged based on scientific fields, namely:
- Chemical Reactions and Catalysis,
- Production System Design based on reaction and catalyst,
- Process Simulation for Process Development and Evaluation.
Chairman : Prof.Dr.Ir. I.G.B.N. Makertihartha
Member :
1. Ir. Tri Partono Adhi, M.Eng., Ph.D.
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Melia Laniwati Gunawan, M.S.
3. Carolus Borromeus Rasrendra, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
4. Antonius Indarto, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.
5. Jenny Rizkiana, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
6. Anggit Raksajati, S.T., Ph.D.
7. Fadhli, S.Si., M.T.
8. Dr. Haryo Pandu Winoto, S.T., M.Sc.
9. Dr. Eng. Aghietyas Choirun Az Zahra, S.T., M.T.
5. Technology of Biomass and Food Processing
The field of study of the Biomass and Food Processing Technology Expertise Group is to develop the science of engineering of microwaves and food processes based on Indonesian local raw materials to produce food and feed products and components, substitute products for similar products based on petroleum, up to an industrial scale.
Chairman : Prof. Ir. Ronny Purwadi, M.T., Ph.D.
Member :
1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Lienda Aliwarga, M.Eng.
2. Prof. Ir. Yazid Bindar, Ph.D.
3. Prof. Dr. Made Tri Ari Penia Kresnowati, S.T., M.Sc.
4. Dr. Dianika Lestari, S.T., M.T.
5. Dr. Meiti Pratiwi, S.T., M.T.
6. Dr. Astri Nur Isyami, S.T., M.T.
7. Dian Shofinita, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
8. Aqsha, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
9. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Pramudita, S.T.P., M.Sc.