Virtual Open House FTI ITB

Untuk memberikan gambaran nyata mengenai dunia kerja, Program Studi Teknik Pangan ITB kembali mengadakan kuliah tamu dengan narasumber Atika Salma, S.T., alumnus Teknik Kimia ITB angkatan 2010. Beliau adalah Export Project Manager di Danone Indonesia. Kuliah tamu dengan tajuk “Manajemen Produksi dan Proyek dalam Industri Makanan/Minuman” ini dilangsungkan secara daring pada Jumat, 30 April 2021 pk 13.00-16.00 WIB.
Dalam industri pangan, manajemen produksi sangatlah penting agar proses produksi dapat berjalan efisien. Misalnya, perusahaan perlu melakukan kalkulasi dan prediksi jumlah permintaan produk dengan baik. Jika terjadi kesalahan dalam prediksi ini, industri tersebut dapat mengalami kekurangan persediaan bahan baku, ataupun kelebihan bahan baku dan produk sehingga terjadi kerugian karena usia simpan bahan baku dan produk pangan terbatas.
Industri pangan dalam keberjalanannya juga senantiasa berusaha untuk berkembang sehingga seringkali memiliki proyek, baik itu proyek pengembangan produk ataupun pembangunan fasilitas produksi baru. Oleh karena itu, ilmu manajemen proyek sangatlah penting untuk menangani proyek-proyek ini. “Ilmu manajemen proyek itu adalah seni tersendiri,” ungkap Atika. Hal ini disebabkan dalam proyek umumnya terdapat banyak pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder) serta melibatkan tim pelaksana yang memiliki latar belakang berbeda-beda.
Untuk menilai keberhasilan sebuah proyek, secara umum terdapat tiga aspek yang harus dipenuhi, yaitu waktu sesuai jadwal dan secepat mungkin, biaya semurah mungkin, dan kualitas sebaik mungkin. Keberjalanan proyek seringkali mengalami pengulangan dan hal yang tidak terduga sehingga proyek menjadi sangat dinamis dan memerlukan seni khusus untuk mengatasinya.
Kuliah tamu diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab dari peserta kuliah yang antusias menanyakan seputar pengalaman kerja. Prof. Yazid Bindar, sebagai pengampu kuliah dam moderator acara ini lantas menyampaikan apresiasi prodi dalam bentuk sertifikat. Program Studi Teknik Pangan ITB mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Atika atas waktu yang telah disediakan untuk berbagi pengalaman kepada para mahasiswa.[:en]
To provide a real picture of the world of work, the Department of Food Engineering again held a guest lecture with resource person Atika Salma, S.T., an alumnus of Chemical Engineering ITB batch 2010. She is the Export Project Manager at Danone Indonesia. This guest lecture with the title “Production and Project Management in the Food/Beverage Industry” will be held online on Friday, April 30, 2021, 13.00-16.00 WIB.
In the food industry, production management is very important so that the production process can run efficiently. For example, companies need to calculate and predict the number of product requests well. If there is an error in this prediction, the industry may experience a shortage of raw material supplies, or an excess of raw materials and products resulting in losses due to the limited shelf life of raw materials and food products.
The food industry is also constantly trying to develop, so it often has projects, be it product development projects or the construction of new production facilities. Therefore, project management knowledge is very important to handle these projects. “The science of project management is an art in itself,” said Atika. This is due to the fact that projects generally have many stakeholders and involve implementing teams with different backgrounds.
To assess the success of a project, in general there are three aspects that must be met, namely time on schedule and as quickly as possible, the lowest possible cost, and the best possible quality. Project progress often experiences repetition and the unexpected so that the project becomes very dynamic and requires special art to overcome it.
The guest lecture ended with a question and answer session from enthusiastic lecture participants asking about work experience. Prof. Yazid Bindar, as the lecturer and moderator of this event, then expressed his appreciation for the study program in the form of a certificate. The Department of Food Engineering ITB would like to thank Atika for the time that has been provided to share experiences with students.
Presiden Joko Widodo menyatakan bahwa sudah saatnya Indonesia mengurangi ekspor CPO, namun Indonesia perlu mengolahnya terlebih dahulu menjadi barang setengah jadi atau barang jadi. Berbagai program telah digerakkan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kebun-kebun milik rakyat dan untuk mempersiapkan SDM perkebunan yang terampil. Selain itu, berbagai program juga dilakukan untuk mendukung penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi pertanian sawit yang efektif, efisien, dan berkesenimbungan.
Presiden Joko Widodo dan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto, sudah memberi arahan, bahwa Indonesia perlu mencari inovasi teknologi terbaru yang dapat mengolah kelapa sawit menjadi produk energi terbarukan dan makanan sehat. Sesuai instruksi Presiden Joko Widodo, sudah saatnya Indonesia tidak hanya berpikir untuk skala laboratorium saja, tapi untuk sesuatu yg lebih besar, yaitu rakyat Indonesia.
Kelapa sawit memiliki potensi untuk bisa menjadi sumber energi yang dapat diperbarui dan bahan baku yang membawa banyak kebaikan lainnya. Penelitian demi penelitian terus dilakukan, salah satunya adalah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Tim Katalis Merah Putih ITB. Tim Katalis Merah Putih ITB melakukan penelitian dan berhasil menciptakan katalis Merah Putih yang dapat mengubah kelapa sawit menjadi solar, bensin, dan avtur. Berdasarkan penelitian dan teknologi yang dimiliki, Tim Katalis Merah Putih ITB berhasil mengungkap banyak inovasi yang berasal dari kelapa sawit. Tim Katalis Merah Putih ITB mendapatkan apresiasi langsung dari Presiden Joko Widodo. Hasil inovasi ini juga ditampilkan pada Hannover Messe 2021. Inovasi ini diharapkan dapat membuat Indonesia menjadi lebih baik.[:en]
President Joko Widodo stated that it is time for Indonesia to reduce CPO exports, but Indonesia needs to process it first into semi-finished or finished goods. Various programs have been initiated to increase the productivity of smallholder gardens and to prepare skilled plantation human resources. In addition, various programs are also carried out to support research and development of oil palm agricultural technology that is effective, efficient and sustainable.
President Joko Widodo and the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, have given direction that Indonesia needs to find the latest technological innovations that can process palm oil into renewable energy products and healthy food. According to President Joko Widodo’s instructions, it is time for Indonesia not only to think on a laboratory scale, but for something bigger, namely the Indonesian people.
Palm oil has the potential to be a source of renewable energy and a raw material for many other good things. Research after research continues to be carried out, one of which is the research conducted by the ITB Red and White Catalyst Team. The ITB Red and White Catalyst Team conducted research and succeeded in creating a Red and White catalyst that can convert palm oil into diesel, gasoline and avtur. Based on their research and technology, the ITB Red and White Catalyst Team succeeded in uncovering many innovations originating from palm oil. The ITB Red and White Catalyst Team received direct appreciation from President Joko Widodo. The results of this innovation were also displayed at the Hannover Messe 2021. This innovation is expected to make Indonesia better.[:]
Food Engineering Department at Bandung Institute of Technology elected Prof. Mukund V. Karwe, Ph.D. as a member of our advisory board team for the period of 2021-2022. Prof. Karwe works as a distinguished professor at Department of Food Science in Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. Currently, he also serves as the Dean of International Programs at School of Environmental and Biological Sciences in Rutgers University. His research interest focuses on high pressure food processing and food extrusion. His research group has performed many researches to identify the effect of high pressure on food nutrition and quality, infusion of nutrients into food, and extraction of food ingredients. Other current research topics of Prof. Karwe are plasma and UV processing for improving food safety, modelling of flow and equipment design to avoid bacterial attachment on fresh produce, and flow of foods modelling in human gastrointestinal tract.
Since 2015, Prof. Karwe is an editor in Journal of Food Engineering. He was elected as Fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) in 2012 and also International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST) in 2018. His research and teaching experiences has been acknowledged internationally which leads to some awards, such as William V. Cruess award from IFT (2009) and Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association for Engineering and Food (2019). We believe that Prof. Karwe’s appointment as one of the advisory board members would give tremendous contribution on our department, by giving suggestion for our curriculum, program educational objectives, and accreditation based on his long history of teaching and research experiences.
[:id]Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) ITB melalui surat keputusan bernomor 1781/IT1.C07/SK-DA/2021 telah mengangkat tim advisory board untuk Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Pangan. Adapun tugas-tugas dari tim ini antara lain:
This team consists of 6 professionals in industry, government, and education, namely:
He obtained his Bachelor of Agricultural Technology in 1986 at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. He continued his postgraduate education at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand and obtained his master’s degree in 1993 and doctorate degree in 2002 in the field of agricultural engineering. Currently, he has served as Head of the Food Security Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture since July 18 2017. Prior to this position, he served as Head of the Public Relations and Public Information Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Agriculture (2016-2017), Secretary of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency ( 2014-2016), Head of the Center for the Assessment and Development of Agricultural Technology, and Head of the Center for Agricultural Technology Transfer Management. Since January 2006, he has been trusted as Vice President of the Asia Association at Agricultural Engineering (AAAE) for the industrial sector.
He received his academic degrees from the Bandung Institute of Technology, namely Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (1998) and Master of Business Administration (2001). He then continued his career at Sara Lee Indonesia since 2002 until some of the company’s departments were acquired by SC Johnson. In 2015, he decided to pursue a career in the food industry, namely as Director of Operations at Kerry Taste & Nutrition.
He obtained a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 2003. He has two master’s degrees, namely Master in Business and Management (MBM) from Università degli Studi in Padova, Italy (2005) and Master of Business Administration (MBA). ) from Nanyang Business School, Singapore (2013). Her Ph.D. was obtained from Monash University, Australia in 2017 with a dissertation that focuses on economic problems in households and MSMEs in Indonesia. He has a career as a business analyst/consultant since 2007, teaching economics at Prasetiya Mulya University from 2019, and chairman of the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center since the institution was founded in 2016.
He earned an academic degree in Chemical Engineering (1990) from the Bandung Institute of Technology and a Masters in Management (1994) from the University of Indonesia. His career experiences include Service Engineer at PT. Nalco Perkasa (1990-1994), Marketing for Pacific Region for Paper Process Products at Nalco Pacific Co. Ltd., Singapore (1995-1997), and Marketing Manager of PT Rhone Poulenc Indolatex, Indonesia (1994-1998). After that, he worked in the food industry, Garudafood since 2000. Currently, he serves as Commissioner of PT. Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk., President Director of Tudung Putra Putri Jaya Group, President Commissioner of PT. Garuda Bumi Perkasa, President Director of PT. Bumi Mekar Tani, President Commissioner of PT. Garuda Timur Pacific, and Director of Garuda Polyflex Foods Pvt Ltd.
Beliau meraih gelar akademik S1 pada bidang Teknik Mesin di Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India (1981) dan melanjutkan studi S2 dan S3 di Rutgers University, New Jersey, Amerika Serikat. Ia telah memulai kariernya sebagai akademisi dan peneliti di Rutgers University sejak tahun 1988 hingga saat ini telah menjabat sebagai Distinguished Professor pada Department of Food Science. Fokus penelitian beliau adalah pemrosesan makanan pada tekanan tinggi dan juga teknik ekstrusi makanan. Rekam jejak karier beliau telah membuatnya diganjar berbagai penghargaan, di antaranya William V. Cruess award dari the Institute of Food Technologists (2009) dan Lifetime Achievement Award dari the International Association for Engineering and Food (2019).
He is the Chairman of the Standing Committee for the Food and Protein Processing Industry of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), the Steering Committee of GAPMMI (Indonesian Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs Association), and Chairman of the Apindo Fisheries Committee (Indonesian Employer’s Association).
[:en]The Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) ITB through a decree number 1781 / IT1.C07 / SK-DA / 2021 has appointed an advisory board team for the Food Engineering Undergraduate Study Program. The duties of this team include:
This team consists of 6 professionals in the world of industry, government and education, namely:
He obtained his Bachelor of Agricultural Technology in 1986 at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. He continued his postgraduate education at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand and obtained his Masters in 1993 and S3 in 2002 in the field of Agricultural Engineering. Currently, he has served as Head of the Food Security Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture since 18 July 2017. Prior to this position, he served as Head of the Public Relations and Public Information Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Agriculture (2016-2017), Secretary of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency ( 2014-2016), Head of the Center for the Study and Development of Agricultural Technology, and Head of the Center for Management of Agricultural Technology Transfer. Since January 2006, he has been appointed as Vice President of the Asia Association at Agricultural Engineering (AAAE) for the industrial sector.
2. Edmon Chairul, S.T., MBA.
He received his academic degrees from the Bandung Institute of Technology, namely Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (1998) and Master of Business Administration (2001). He then continued his career at Sara Lee Indonesia from 2002 until some of the company’s departments were acquired by SC Johnson. In 2015, he decided to pursue a career in the food industry, namely as Director of Operations at Kerry Taste & Nutrition.
3. Filda Citra Yusgiantoro, S.T., MBM., MBA., Ph.D.
He obtained a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 2003. He has two Masters degrees, namely a Master in Business and Management (MBM) from Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy (2005) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA). ) from Nanyang Business School, Singapore (2013). Ph.D. obtained from Monash University, Australia in 2017 with a dissertation that focuses on economic problems in households and MSMEs in Indonesia. He has worked as a business analyst / consultant since 2007, lecturer in economics at Prasetiya Mulya University from 2019, and chairman of the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center since the institution was founded in 2016.
4. Hartono Atmadja, MM.
He earned an academic degree in Chemical Engineering (1990) from the Bandung Institute of Technology and a Masters in Management (1994) from the University of Indonesia. His career experiences include Service Engineer at PT. Nalco Perkasa (1990-1994), Marketing for Pacific Region for Paper Process Products at Nalco Pacific Co. Ltd, Singapore (1995-1997), and Marketing Manager of PT Rhone Poulenc Indolatex, Indonesia (1994-1998). After that, he took part in the food industry, namely at Garudafood since 2000. Currently, he is a Commissioner of PT. Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk., President Director of the Tudung Putra Putri Jaya Group, President Commissioner of PT. Garuda Bumi Perkasa, President Director of PT. Bumi Mekar Tani, President Commissioner of PT. Garuda Timur Pacific, and Director of Garuda Polyflex Foods Pvt Ltd.
5. Mukund V. Karwe, Ph.D.
He earned an undergraduate academic degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India (1981) and continued his Masters and Doctoral studies at Rutgers University, New Jersey, United States. He has started his career as an academic and researcher at Rutgers University since 1988 until now he has served as Distinguished Professor in the Department of Food Science. His research focus is on high-pressure food processing as well as food extrusion techniques. His career track record has earned him various awards, including the William V. Cruess award from the Institute of Food Technologists (2009) and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association for Engineering and Food (2019).
6. Thomas Darmawan
He is the Chairman of the Standing Committee for the Food and Protein Processing Industry of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), the Steering Committee of GAPMMI (Association of Indonesian Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs), and Chair of the Apindo Fisheries Committee (Indonesian Employers Association).[:]
Pada tanggal 16 Februari 2021, Prodi Teknik Pangan dan Prodi Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi melaksanakan kuliah tamu Kerja Praktek (TB 4090/PG4090). Acara ini menghadirkan Bapak Guntur Prihartomo dari Industri Gula Glenmore. Pada acara Bapak Guntur memberikan materi yang bertemakan proses produksi gula. Selain itu juga beliau berbagi tentang pengalaman ia selama bekerja. Program Studi Teknik Pangan dan Program Studi Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi ITB mengucapkan terima kasih atas peran serta Bapak Guntur Prihartomo dari Industri Gula Glenmore dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sarjana.[:en]
On February 16, 2021, the Department Food Engineering and Department Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy conducted a guest lecture on Job Training (TB 4090 / PG4090). This event presented Mr. Guntur Prihartomo from the Glenmore Sugar Industry. At the event, Mr. Guntur presented material with the theme of the sugar production process. In addition, he also shared about his experiences while working. the Department Food Engineering and Department Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy, ITB, would like to thank the participation of Mr. Guntur Prihartomo from the Glenmore Sugar Industry in improving the quality of undergraduate education.[:]